Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mixed emotions.

I have mixed emotions. In the next three days, I'll be moving in to a new place. A better, bigger place, but a bit - just a bit - farther from my place of work and a bit more expensive. If before it gets me only a short ride to my workplace, in the next three days it'll take me two short rides and a trike, if I am lazy to walk.

I have mixed emotions. I am now adjusted to my shoe-box place. I have lived there for five months. But as I said, it's a shoe-box. I cannot do more with such a small place. I can still dream big though even if that is just a small place.

I have mixed emotions of fear, excitement, nervousness... I fear the unknown. What lies ahead of that new place? But I am excited though. Excited to the fact that in that new place, I can do more. I dream more. What gets me more excited is the thought that I have this big dream to fulfill. I get excited to the thought that in that new place, I'll be starting my new "money machine."

I have mixed emotions. How will I run that "money machine?" I really need help. I need the help of someone who knows. I need the support of the people who believe. I need the help of the ones who believe in my dreams.

I simply have mixed emotions now. But I know that these mixed emotions are the ones that challenge me. These mixed emotions are the ones that tell me to push myself to the limits. These mixed emotions are giving me positive energy.

Then these mixed emotions are good, anyway...

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This side of the world is a therapy for me. I find solace and peace here. Very much like the feeling I have after popping tiny bubbles!

Gently pop tiny bubbles with me.