Thursday, March 17, 2011

Post v-day thoughts of you.

Photo taken by Aileen Siroy
December 2010, Tagaytay City
For the laughter and the tears, for the joys and the sorrows, for the quarrels and the make-ups, for the dates and the no dates on v-day, THANK YOU.

Thank you for almost two decades of friendship.

Thank you for six years of open and loving relationship.

Thank you for a year of engagement.

Thank you for letting me learn more about myself and my capacity to love.

Thank you, HRY. Thank you for everyhting.


Here's a line from one of my favorite songs for you:
I thank my Lord, each time I think of you. And when I pray for you, I pray with joy.


  1. Very sweet entry! I wish you both forever! More love, more dates, more laughter! :)

  2. Aileen: Thank you very much, Ai, for your generous comment.


This side of the world is a therapy for me. I find solace and peace here. Very much like the feeling I have after popping tiny bubbles!

Gently pop tiny bubbles with me.