Friday, April 1, 2011

On your birthday.

Today is your birthday. The way I look at it, you have gone a long, long way since you have changed the path of your life. Your perspectives have changed a lot. Your attitude towards life, most especially towards God, have changed a lot. And those changes that I see are positive.

We've been friends for seventeen years now. Somehow, we have the developed the bond that no one can replace. And I am thankful for that. Indeed, nothing happens by chance.

On your birthday, I would like to tell you that I am here to support you no matter what. So be courageous to take the road where you wish to take your life's direction. Be brave to take the road less traveled. Be optimistic that tomorrow will be a better day. You, just like anyone of us, are a work in progress, and that is okay. Remember that you are loved, no matter what.

Today, I wish that all your dreams come true. I wish that God and His generous universe will listen and grant all your wishes, too.

Cheers! May you be tremendously blessed as you celebrate the 51st page of your life :-D


This side of the world is a therapy for me. I find solace and peace here. Very much like the feeling I have after popping tiny bubbles!

Gently pop tiny bubbles with me.