Monday, May 9, 2011

My mothers' day celebration.

It was just an ordinary Sunday for me. As usual, we did attend The Feast at the PICC at 8. As part of our routine, we always have breakfast or brunch after celebrating at The Feast.

But yesterday was different. The Feast coincided with the Mothers' Day celebration. And I am not a mother. Oh not a biological mother, but I am a mother of four: Richard, Jomelle, Reign, Genelyn - in that order as they come into my life. And so at The Feast when the priest asked for the mothers to stand for a special prayer, I did not stand. But Jomelle, as she was seated beside me, prayed over me. I was so touched!

After celebrating The Feast, we went to our usual routine: eat first then do some grocery for the week. When we were deciding where to eat, we could not quite agree. Jomelle wanted chicken ala king of Greenwich while we wanted something else. So we ordered for Jomelle's chicken ala king to go, then we agreed to have our brunch at Tokyo Tokyo. When we got at Tokyo Tokyo, we noticed that they had a mothers' day treat. And we wanted to have that custard cake, a treat for mothers!

Do you want to know that happened next?

What else but I naturally played the role of a mother to the three children who were with me. And we got what we wanted: the cute and sweet custard cake!

But it's not the cake that matters. It was like I was giving in to something that these kids don't have in their lives - their mothers. I know that deep within them they want to have someone to call mom, as my nephew Richard would sometimes call me.

I hope that somehow I let them feel that I can be their mother, that somehow they celebrated Mother's Day last Sunday.

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This side of the world is a therapy for me. I find solace and peace here. Very much like the feeling I have after popping tiny bubbles!

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